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Group of environmental activists set sail across the Atlantic for COP25

Group of environmental activists set sail across the Atlantic for COP25

Echoing the recent actions of Greta Thunberg, a group of environmental activists are choosing sailing over flying to make a statement for the climate crisis.

Starting in Amsterdam and ending in Chile to attend a UN Summit, the group is beginning their 7-week journey across the Atlantic this week. Once they’ve crossed the ocean, the group will talk to the world’s governments at COP25 about the need to cut down on the emissions created by flying in order to prevent global heating from reaching disastrous levels.

Group member, Anuna de Wver has stated:

“We really want to make a statement that we have to stop subsidising the aviation sector and we have to start investing in these alternatives”

Another member of the group, Jeppe Bijker, doesn’t necessarily think we need to give up flying altogether, and has said:

“But we do ask them to think about why are you flying. Where do you need to go? Do you really need to go?”

How do you feel about flying and its effect on the environment? Are you changing your travel habits?

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